We hope you enjoyed visiting the U.S. Capitol and thank you for sharing your thoughts about your visit. Several questions ask for extended comments. We really want to know how you felt in your own words. If you feel strongly, feel free to SHOUT with CAPS or other means of emphasis. Our goal is to better understand how you, and other visitors, felt about your visit, so that we can improve the visitor experience. Your answers are saved immediately.
The survey should take about 5-7 minutes.

Now that you have had a little time since your visit, how would you describe visiting the U.S. Capitol in one or two sentences?
Thinking back to your recent visit, how would you rate your overall experience visiting the U.S. Capitol?
Based on your experience in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, please let us know how much you agree or disagree with the following statements…
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I felt welcomed and well-received
I was well-oriented and found my way around
The facility was clean and well maintained
I was comfortable during my visit
I learned something new today
My visit was fun
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